May 31st 2025
Welcome to the 2025 Junior Gap2Gap! The Junior race is a fun Multi Sport Relay on the Yakima Greenway! The race is broken into age a categories 7-8, 9-12 and 13-14. There are awards for top three teams and individuals. We are also bringing back the costume contest. Top team and individual in each age group wins! This year's costume theme is "Wildlife".
Start Times:
7-8 - 9:00am
9-12 - 9:40am
13-14 - 10:20am
KIDS AWARDS - 11:00am
Stick around for the awards ceremony, Bearded Monkey Cycling will once again by giving a bike away to a lucky participant!

Iron Categories $35/Person
Boys - 7-8, 9-12, 13-14
Girls - 7-8, 9-12, 13-14
Team Categories
Boys - 7-8, 9-12, 13-14
Girls - 7-8, 9-12, 13-14
Coed - 7-8, 9-12, 13-14
Race categories
A fast loop in the park.
7-8 - 2 Laps (.67 Miles)
9-12 - 3 Laps (1 Mile)
13-14 - 4 Laps (1.3 Miles)
An out and back course on the Yakima Greenway.
7-8 - 2.5 Miles
9-12 - 3 Miles
13-14 - 4 Miles
A Kayak around Reflection Pond. (Kayaks and PFDS are provided by the Yakima Greenway Foundation)
7-8 - 1 Lap
9-12 - 1 Lap
13-14 - 1 Lap
Obstacle Course Run
A fun, challenging obstacle course by the Yakima Athletic Club.
7-8 - 2 Laps
9-12 - 3 Laps
13-14 - 4 Laps